/** * @author Mat Groves http://matgroves.com/ @Doormat23 */ /** * Creates a Canvas element of the given size. * * @class CanvasBuffer * @constructor * @param width {Number} the width for the newly created canvas * @param height {Number} the height for the newly created canvas */ PIXI.CanvasBuffer = function(width, height) { /** * The width of the Canvas in pixels. * * @property width * @type Number */ this.width = width; /** * The height of the Canvas in pixels. * * @property height * @type Number */ this.height = height; /** * The Canvas object that belongs to this CanvasBuffer. * * @property canvas * @type HTMLCanvasElement */ this.canvas = PIXI.CanvasPool.create(this, this.width, this.height); /** * A CanvasRenderingContext2D object representing a two-dimensional rendering context. * * @property context * @type CanvasRenderingContext2D */ this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); this.canvas.width = width; this.canvas.height = height; }; PIXI.CanvasBuffer.prototype.constructor = PIXI.CanvasBuffer; /** * Clears the canvas that was created by the CanvasBuffer class. * * @method clear * @private */ PIXI.CanvasBuffer.prototype.clear = function() { this.context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); this.context.clearRect(0,0, this.width, this.height); }; /** * Resizes the canvas to the specified width and height. * * @method resize * @param width {Number} the new width of the canvas * @param height {Number} the new height of the canvas */ PIXI.CanvasBuffer.prototype.resize = function(width, height) { this.width = this.canvas.width = width; this.height = this.canvas.height = height; }; /** * Frees the canvas up for use again. * * @method destroy */ PIXI.CanvasBuffer.prototype.destroy = function() { PIXI.CanvasPool.remove(this); };