- var LTweenLiteTimeline;
- var LTweenLite = (function () {
- /** @language chinese
- * <p>LTweenLite用来控制动画的一个单位。</p>
- * @class LTweenLiteChild
- * @constructor
- * @since 1.4.0
- * @public
- */
- function LTweenLiteChild ($target, $duration, $vars) {
- var s = this;
- LExtends (s, LObject, []);
- s.type = "LTweenLiteChild";
- s.toNew = [];
- s.init($target, $duration, $vars);
- }
- var p = {
- init : function($target, $duration, $vars) {
- var s = this, k = null;
- if (typeof $vars["tweenTimeline"] == UNDEFINED) {
- $vars["tweenTimeline"] = LTweenLite.TYPE_FRAME;
- }
- s.target = $target;
- s.duration = $duration || 0.001;
- s.vars = $vars;
- s.delay = s.vars.delay || 0;
- if(s.vars["tweenTimeline"] == LTweenLite.TYPE_TIMER){
- s.currentTime = (new Date()).getTime() / 1000;
- s.initTime = s.currentTime;
- s.startTime = s.initTime + s.delay;
- }else{
- s.currentTime = 0;
- s.duration *= 1000;
- s.currentTime -= s.delay * 1000;
- }
- s.combinedTimeScale = s.vars.timeScale || 1;
- s.active = s.duration == 0 && s.delay == 0;
- s.varsto = {};
- s.varsfrom = {};
- s.varsDiff = {};
- s.varsListIndex = {};
- s.varsListCurr = {};
- s.varsListTo = {};
- s.varsListLength = {};
- s.stop = false;
- if (typeof(s.vars.ease) != "function") {
- s.vars.ease = LEasing.None.easeIn;
- }
- s.ease = s.vars.ease;
- delete s.vars.ease;
- if (s.vars.onComplete) {
- s.onComplete = s.vars.onComplete;
- delete s.vars.onComplete;
- }
- if (s.vars.onUpdate) {
- s.onUpdate = s.vars.onUpdate;
- delete s.vars.onUpdate;
- }
- if (s.vars.onStart) {
- s.onStart = s.vars.onStart;
- delete s.vars.onStart;
- }
- for (k in s.vars) {
- if (k == "coordinate" && Array.isArray(s.vars[k])) {
- var diff = 0, curr = {x:s.target.x,y:s.target.y};
- for (var i = 0, l = s.vars[k].length; i < l; i++) {
- var p = s.vars[k][i];
- diff += LPoint.distance(p,curr);
- curr = p;
- }
- s.varsListIndex[k] = 0;
- s.varsListCurr[k] = 0;
- s.varsListTo[k] = diff;
- s.varsto[k] = s.vars[k];
- s.varsfrom[k] = {x:s.target.x,y:s.target.y};
- continue;
- } else if (typeof s.vars[k] != "number") {
- continue;
- }
- s.varsto[k] = s.vars[k];
- s.varsfrom[k] = s.target[k];
- s.varsDiff[k] = s.vars[k] - s.target[k];
- }
- },
- /** @language chinese
- * 将动画暂停。
- * @method pause
- * @example
- * var tween = LTweenLite.to(rect,1,{x:500,loop:true,ease:LEasing.Sine.easeInOut,tweenTimeline:LTweenLite.TYPE_FRAME})
- * .to(rect,1,{x:50,ease:LEasing.Quad.easeInOut});
- * tween.pause();
- * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTweenLite/pause_resume.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
- * @public
- * @since 1.9.1
- */
- pause : function () {
- this.stop = true;
- },
- /** @language chinese
- * 将暂停的动画重新播放。
- * @method resume
- * @example
- * var tween = LTweenLite.to(rect,1,{x:500,loop:true,ease:LEasing.Sine.easeInOut,tweenTimeline:LTweenLite.TYPE_FRAME})
- * .to(rect,1,{x:50,ease:LEasing.Quad.easeInOut});
- * tween.pause();
- * tween.resume();
- * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTweenLite/pause_resume.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
- * @public
- * @since 1.9.1
- */
- resume : function () {
- this.stop = false;
- },
- tween : function () {
- var s = this, tweentype;
- var type_timer = (s.vars["tweenTimeline"] == LTweenLite.TYPE_TIMER);
- if (type_timer) {
- var time = (new Date()).getTime() / 1000, etime = time - s.startTime;
- if (etime < 0) {
- return;
- }
- } else {
- if (s.stop) {
- return;
- }
- s.currentTime += LGlobal.speed;
- if (s.currentTime < 0) {
- return;
- }
- }
- for (k in s.varsto) {
- if (typeof s.varsListTo[k] != UNDEFINED){
- var curr = s.ease(type_timer ? etime : s.currentTime, 0, s.varsListTo[k], s.duration);
- if(curr > s.varsListTo[k]){
- curr = s.varsListTo[k];
- }
- var c = s.varsListIndex[k] > 0 ? s.vars[k][s.varsListIndex[k] - 1] : s.varsfrom[k];
- var v = s.vars[k][s.varsListIndex[k]];
- var d = LPoint.distance(c,v);
- while(s.varsListCurr[k] + d < curr){
- s.varsListCurr[k] += d;
- c = v;
- s.varsListIndex[k]++;
- v = s.vars[k][s.varsListIndex[k]];
- d = LPoint.distance(c,v);
- }
- s.target.x = c.x;
- s.target.y = c.y;
- if(d != 0 && v.x - c.x != 0){
- s.target.x += (v.x - c.x)*(curr - s.varsListCurr[k])/d;
- }
- if(d != 0 && v.y - c.y != 0){
- s.target.y += (v.y - c.y)*(curr - s.varsListCurr[k])/d;
- }
- continue;
- }
- s.target[k] = s.ease(type_timer ? etime : s.currentTime, s.varsfrom[k], s.varsDiff[k], s.duration);
- }
- if (s.onStart) {
- s._dispatchEvent(s.onStart);
- delete s.onStart;
- }
- var e;
- if (type_timer) {
- e = (etime >= s.duration);
- } else {
- e = (s.currentTime >= s.duration);
- }
- if (e) {
- for (tweentype in s.varsto) {
- if (typeof s.varsListTo[tweentype] != UNDEFINED){
- var p = s.varsto[tweentype][s.vars[tweentype].length - 1];
- s.target.x = p.x;
- s.target.y = p.y;
- continue;
- }
- s.target[tweentype] = s.varsto[tweentype];
- }
- if (s.onComplete) {
- s._dispatchEvent(s.onComplete);
- }
- return true;
- } else if (s.onUpdate) {
- s._dispatchEvent(s.onUpdate);
- }
- return false;
- },
- _dispatchEvent : function (f) {
- var s = this;
- s.target.target = s.target;
- s.target.currentTarget = s;
- f(s.target);
- delete s.target.currentTarget;
- delete s.target.target;
- },
- to : function ($target, $duration, $vars, $data) {
- var s = this;
- s.toNew.push({target : $target, duration : $duration, vars : $vars, data : $data});
- return s;
- },
- keep : function () {
- var s = this, t, vs, k, d;
- if (s.toNew.length > 0) {
- t = s.toNew.shift();
- if (t.vars.loop) {
- s.loop = true;
- }
- if (s.loop) {
- d = {};
- vs = {};
- for (k in t.vars) {
- vs[k] = t.vars[k];
- if(typeof t.target[k] == UNDEFINED || t.vars.playStyle != LTweenLite.PlayStyle.Init){
- continue;
- }
- if(t.data){
- t.target[k] = t.data[k];
- continue;
- }
- d[k] = t.target[k];
- }
- if(!t.data){
- t.data = d;
- }
- s.to(t.target, t.duration, vs, t.data);
- }
- s.init(t.target, t.duration, t.vars);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- };
- for (var k in p) {
- LTweenLiteChild.prototype[k] = p[k];
- }
- /** @language chinese
- * <p>LTweenLite是比较常用的一个动画库,包含各种缓动效果,使用LTweenLite能够简化动画制作的代码编写工作。</p>
- * @class LTweenLite
- * @constructor
- * @since 1.4.0
- * @public
- */
- function LTweenLite () {
- var s = this;
- LExtends (s, LObject, []);
- s.type = "LTweenLite";
- s.tweens = [];
- }
- /** @language chinese
- * <p>缓动动画循环的类型</p>
- * <table>
- * <tr><th>属性</th><th>说明</th></tr>
- * <tr><td>LTweenLite.PlayStyle.None</td><td>无效果</td></tr>
- * <tr><td>LTweenLite.PlayStyle.Init</td><td>每次缓动都从第一次缓动开始时的值开始进行。</td></tr>
- * </table>
- * @property LTweenLite.PlayStyle
- * @type Object
- * @static
- * @since 1.10.0
- * @public
- * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTweenLite/playStyle.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
- */
- LTweenLite.PlayStyle = {
- None : "none",
- Init : "init"
- };
- LTweenLite.TYPE_FRAME = "type_frame";
- LTweenLite.TYPE_TIMER = "type_timer";
- p = {
- count : function(){
- return this.tweens.length;
- },
- ll_show : function(){
- var s = this;
- var i, length = s.tweens.length, t;
- for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- t = s.tweens[i];
- if (t && t.tween && t.tween()) {
- s.tweens.splice(i, 1);
- i--;
- length = s.tweens.length;
- if (t.keep()) {
- s.add(t);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- /** @language chinese
- * [静态方法]用于创建一个LTweenLiteChild实例动画,让某对象的某些属性缓动到指定的目标的值(从当前值)。
- * @method LTweenLite.to
- * @static
- * @param {Object} target 要缓动的对象(这里注意类型是Object,并不仅仅是LSprite,LBitmap).
- * @param {float} duration 持续的时间(单位是秒)
- * @param {Object} vars <p>一个Object,包含你想要缓动的所有属性,比如 onComplete, ease, etc。举例, 将一个 对象mc.x 缓动到 100 ,将 mc.y 缓动到 200 ,缓动结束后执行一个函数 myFunction, 这时候,你可以这么写: TweenLite.to(mc, 1, {x:100, y:200, onComplete:myFunction});</p>
- * <p>除了使用对象的属性之外,你也可以使用一些特殊的值:</p>
- * <table>
- * <tr><th>属性</th><th>类型</th><th>说明</th></tr>
- * <tr><td>tweenTimeline</td><td>float</td><td><p>动画播放的类型,默认值为LTweenLite.TYPE_FRAME。</p><p>LTweenLite.TYPE_FRAME:用桢来播放动画。</p><p>LTweenLite.TYPE_TIMER:用时间来播放动画。</p><p>为了测试两者的区别,接下来的demo在进行缓动时首先延迟2秒钟,使用LTweenLite.TYPE_FRAME播放是无间断,而使用LTweenLite.TYPE_TIMER播放则会直接跳到结束。<a href="../../../api/LTweenLite/to2.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p></td></tr>
- * <tr><td>delay</td><td>float</td><td>延时几秒后开始缓动,这在有先后顺序的缓动效果中很有用</td></tr>
- * <tr><td>ease</td><td>LEasing (or Function)</td><td>应用在variables上的缓动函数,比如LEasing.Quad.easeIn or LEasing.Cubic.easeOut。默认值是LEasing.None.easeIn.</td></tr>
- * <tr><td>onComplete</td><td>Function</td><td>在缓动效果结束时触发此方法。回调函数是有参数的,使用方法同下面的例子。</td></tr>
- * <tr><td>onStart</td><td>Function</td><td>在缓动开始时触发此方法.回调函数是有参数的,使用方法同下面的例子。</td></tr>
- * <tr><td>onUpdate</td><td>Function</td><td>当属性值发生改变时(缓动进行中的每一帧,每一秒)触发此方法。回调函数是有参数的,使用方法同下面的例子。</td></tr>
- * <tr><td>loop</td><td>Boolean</td><td>如果设定为 true, 缓动就会持续循环.</td></tr>
- * <tr><td>playStyle</td><td>LTweenLite.PlayStyle</td><td>只有设定loop为true, playStyle才会有效。<a href="../../../api/LTweenLite/playStyle.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></td></tr>
- * <tr><td>coordinate</td><td>Array</td><td>你可以自定义缓动路径,路径的每个点必须是LPoint对象,或者类似于{x:1,y:2}的形式,<a href="../../../api/LTweenLite/toList.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></td></tr>
- * </table>
- * @return {LTweenLiteChild} 一个LTweenLiteChild的实例
- * @example
- * LInit(1000/50,"legend",800,450,main);
- * function main(){
- * LGlobal.setDebug(true);
- * var circle = new LSprite();
- * circle.x = 50;
- * circle.y = 50;
- * circle.graphics.drawArc("#FF0000",1,[0,0,20,0,Math.PI*2],true,"#FF0000");
- * addChild(circle);
- * var rect = new LSprite();
- * rect.x = 50;
- * rect.y = 100;
- * rect.graphics.drawRect("#FF00FF",1,[0,0,20,20],true,"#FF00FF");
- * addChild(rect);
- * LTweenLite.to(circle,2,{x:500,y:400,scaleX:3,scaleY:3,ease:LEasing.Strong.easeInOut})
- * .to(circle,2,{x:700,y:50,scaleX:1,scaleY:1,ease:LEasing.Quint.easeIn,onComplete:function(e){
- * trace(e.currentTarget);
- * trace(e.target);//circle
- * }});
- * LTweenLite.to(rect,1,{x:500,loop:true,ease:LEasing.Sine.easeInOut})
- * .to(rect,1,{x:50,ease:LEasing.Quad.easeInOut});
- * }
- * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTweenLite/to.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
- * @public
- * @since 1.4.0
- */
- to : function ($target, $duration, $vars) {
- if (!$target) {
- return;
- }
- var s = this;
- var tween = new LTweenLiteChild({}, 0, {});
- s.tweens.push(tween);
- tween.to($target, $duration, $vars);
- return tween;
- },
- add : function (tween) {
- this.tweens.push(tween);
- },
- /** @language chinese
- * [静态方法]停止当前的缓动动画。
- * @method LTweenLite.remove
- * @static
- * @param {LTweenLiteChild} tween 当前正在进行缓动的对象.
- * @example
- * LInit(1000/50,"legend",800,450,main);
- * var tween;
- * function main(){
- * LGlobal.setDebug(true);
- * var rect = new LSprite();
- * rect.x = 50;
- * rect.y = 50;
- * rect.graphics.drawRect("#FF00FF",1,[0,0,20,20],true,"#FF00FF");
- * addChild(rect);
- * tween = LTweenLite.to(rect,1,{x:500,loop:true,ease:LEasing.Sine.easeInOut})
- * .to(rect,1,{x:50,ease:LEasing.Quad.easeInOut});
- * var stopButton = new LButtonSample1("stop");
- * stopButton.x = 50;
- * circle.y = 50;
- * stopButton.y = 100;
- * addChild(stopButton);
- * stopButton.addEventListener(LMouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,stopTween);
- * }
- * function stopTween(e){
- * LTweenLite.remove(tween);
- * }
- * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTweenLite/remove.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
- * @public
- * @since 1.8.0
- */
- remove : function (tween) {
- var s = this;
- if (typeof tween == UNDEFINED) {
- return;
- }
- for (var i = 0, l = s.tweens.length; i < l; i++) {
- if (tween.objectIndex == s.tweens[i].objectIndex) {
- s.tweens.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- },
- /** @language chinese
- * [静态方法]停止所有正在进行的缓动动画。
- * @method LTweenLite.removeAll
- * @static
- * @example
- * LInit(1000/50,"legend",800,450,main);
- * function main(){
- * LGlobal.setDebug(true);
- * var circle = new LSprite();
- * circle.x = 50;
- * circle.y = 50;
- * circle.graphics.drawArc("#FF0000",1,[0,0,20,0,Math.PI*2],true,"#FF0000");
- * addChild(circle);
- * var rect = new LSprite();
- * rect.x = 50;
- * rect.y = 50;
- * rect.graphics.drawRect("#FF00FF",1,[0,0,20,20],true,"#FF00FF");
- * addChild(rect);
- * LTweenLite.to(circle,1,{x:500,y:400,scaleX:3,scaleY:3,loop:true,ease:LEasing.Strong.easeInOut})
- * .to(circle,1,{x:700,y:50,scaleX:1,scaleY:1,ease:LEasing.Quint.easeIn})
- * .to(circle,1,{x:50,y:50,ease:LEasing.Quint.easeIn});
- * LTweenLite.to(rect,1,{x:500,loop:true,ease:LEasing.Sine.easeInOut})
- * .to(rect,1,{x:50,ease:LEasing.Quad.easeInOut});
- * var stopButton = new LButtonSample1("stopAll");
- * stopButton.x = 50;
- * circle.y = 50;
- * stopButton.y = 100;
- * addChild(stopButton);
- * stopButton.addEventListener(LMouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,stopTween);
- * }
- * function stopTween(e){
- * LTweenLite.removeAll();
- * }
- * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTweenLite/removeAll.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
- * @public
- * @since 1.8.0
- */
- removeAll : function () {
- this.tweens.splice(0, this.tweens.length);
- },
- /** @language chinese
- * [静态方法]暂停所有正在进行的缓动动画。
- * @method LTweenLite.pauseAll
- * @static
- * @example
- * LTweenLite.pauseAll();
- * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTweenLite/pauseAll_resumeAll.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
- * @public
- * @since 1.8.0
- */
- pauseAll : function () {
- for(var i = 0, l = this.tweens.length; i < l; i++){
- this.tweens[i].pause();
- }
- },
- /** @language chinese
- * [静态方法]重新播放被暂停的所有缓动动画。
- * @method LTweenLite.resumeAll
- * @static
- * @example
- * LTweenLite.pauseAll();
- * LTweenLite.resumeAll();
- * @examplelink <p><a href="../../../api/LTweenLite/pauseAll_resumeAll.html" target="_blank">测试链接</a></p>
- * @public
- * @since 1.8.0
- */
- resumeAll : function () {
- for(var i = 0, l = this.tweens.length; i < l; i++){
- this.tweens[i].resume();
- }
- }
- };
- for (var k in p) {
- LTweenLite.prototype[k] = p[k];
- }
- LTweenLiteTimeline = new LTweenLite();
- LGlobal.childList.push(LTweenLiteTimeline);
- var tween = new LTweenLite();
- tween.TYPE_FRAME = LTweenLite.TYPE_FRAME;
- tween.TYPE_TIMER = LTweenLite.TYPE_TIMER;
- tween.PlayStyle = LTweenLite.PlayStyle;
- LGlobal.childList.push(tween);
- return tween;
- })();